You may agree, you may not. some of these things I'll say, I've believed for a while, others are new concepts I've grasped within the last few weeks. regardless, this is what i reckon, make of it what you will.
1) ASSIGNMENTS/STUDY. For those of you who know me well, you'll know that this is a policy I've set up for myself, and I've lived by it all of my educated years. Assignments are nothing but troublemakers, and going to a pushy private high school didn't really help change my point of view. They cause stress, you get too many at one time, you're swamped, you're angry, you have no time for anyone but the dreaded essay outline that sits next to your laptop. All you want to do is rip it to shreds. You decide facebook is a better idea. Then (check it out, amazing, just sayin'). Then blogger. Then Robot Unicorn Attack. Then facebook again. Before you know it, you're tired on the night before the day its due, and the attitude you have is 'you know what, screw it.'. So then you get 5% off. The cycle begins again. Leave it too long? You win a notional zero. YAY. Yes, it is avoidable. Yes, I could definitely start my assignments as soon as i get them and do them gradually, but I have a social life, and better interests.
I'd rather be earning money or playing piano or something, then writing some shit about some shit i don't care about. It'll get marked, handed back to me, and I'll throw it away, along with any knowledge I may have (but probably didn't) gained during the process.
I don't need to know the periodic table, I don't really need to know what a 'Femme Fatale' is (don't worry, I do, just making a point) and I don't exactly need to know Djibouti's neighbouring countries to get by in life. I'm not a stupid person. I was classed as an 'intellectually gifted child' back in my day. So you, Mrs. Art teacher who's opinion I didn't ask for, can take back your remarks about how I'll never get in to uni because I don't care about school work. Who are you to tell me its impossible for me to double my marks? I'll do work if I feel the need. Assignments. Waste of time. Screw you education system. We do have lives, you know.

4) ALTERING SELF APPEARANCE. Yes I kind of mentioned this before in the 'opinions of others' section, however this is a bit more specific in my case. I'm an impressionable person, and I always have been. I'm a lot stronger in my thoughts now than what I have been in the past, however I now refuse to change my 'stereotype' if you will to please a particular group of friends or certain attractive males I've met in the past, and who I'm sure I'll come across in the future. This isn't about dyeing my hair or piercings or new shoes or whatever, but about making radical changes to please other people. Eh. I am who I am, fitting in is for squares.
5) BAD MUSIC/TV SHOWS. I don't have time for you. 104.7, stations like you and the music you play are the source of audible corruption to young ears. The music you play, and their film clips (I'm looking at you, Hit List TV) is not only terrible and generated on a computer with some guy who should learn to play a real instrument, but its sending a bad message to people. You adults wonder why a significant amount of our generation has become 'skankified'. That's why. The stuff you produce and put out into the media, is thrust into the faces of young people faster than you can say 'Kesha'. I was disgusted to hear a child (probably around 6 years old) singing her 'Dirty Picture' -cough- 'song' in my work the other day. Not cool. Really.
6) POLITICS. I care to an extent. I don't like Julia Gillard. I don't like Labor. But I don't need to be hearing about it all the time. I know what's going on. I know what each party offers, and I can't even vote yet. Campaign ad's (and thank the lord they're over) are the worst. Quite frankly I'd rather rip my ears off than hear another dramatic campaign ad. Ugh. Revolting.
7) SERIOUS ATTITUDES. ABOUT EVERYTHING. Lighten up people. There are times when you have to be serious, but to be serious and cynical all day, every day, is just unnecessary. I don't want you to be overly happy all the time, because that's just irritating. All I'm saying is, acting like something isn't hilarious just for the sake of looking 'cool' is effed. I'm not happy all the time, I'll admit that freely, but I can always see a light at the end of the tunnel. Sorry, I really wanted to use a corny metaphor :D I'm like, sooo uncool right now.. -hair flick-
So there it is people. The world would be a better place if people didn't care about such trivial things so much. Dig life. YEE-UH!
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