Monday, January 3, 2011

i'm a sinner.

if you read this little page of mine regularly, you'll be aware that i'm a devoted christian. however, i know many devoted christians under other denominations of the faith whom have a totally different approach to their relationship with god than me. i don't know how controversial this is going to sound to these particular groups, or anyone for that matter, but i'm about to share my true opinions.

today for some reason, i've decided that it may be a good idea for me to write a book. if you know me, you know i'm not a massive fan of writing or literature, but i believe i have some good and valid opinions that i would like to share with other christian teenagers. 

the fact is, so many other christians i know are very 'old testament' to put it simply. following a set of rules and restrictions that are taking over their lives to the point that they aren't acting like teenagers anymore. they're so caught up in this world that they are unable to even understand why it is that other teens act as they do and think as they think, and their minds appear to be closed to the outside world. once they grow up and head into the 'real world', they'll find it so big a shock that it will slap them in the face. this probably sounds a bit judgemental, or maybe even a little self-righteous, but i just believe its the truth.

i think its so sad when people are in this mindset. so what do i believe? i don't believe in sticking to a set of guidelines like i'm going to be killed if i screw up. no. i believe in a relationship with god, i believe in the restoration and forgiveness of jesus, and i believe in loving others. however, i'm sure many people will testify that i am most certainly not a model christian.

heres what i'm guilty of. i'm guilty of lying. i'm guilty of cheating. drinking. bitching. fighting. swearing. hatred. lust. envy. being incredibly lazy. pretending i'm someone i'm not. and probably so much more that i can't think to write right now. but i tell you what, none of it matters, because god still loves me regardless, and as long as i can admit my mistakes and ask god to forgive me, its all okay.

i also don't think there is anything wrong with questioning the christian faith, no matter how long you've been a 'follower' for (and i use that term loosely). its okay to wonder if gods really there sometimes, its okay to ask him 'why?' about whatever it is you're thinking. i think questioning things proves you have an open mind, or at least to an extent.

(on a sidenote, i found this song today - in that little youtube thing there. haaah.  its not really my style of music, but i've been through this in the last week, and i pushed through just the same. yay.)

i just honestly believe that christian leaders/adults need to stop pissing around and deal with real issues that are facing the youth of today, not last century. yes, theres been a massive rise in underage drinking, use of illicit drugs, petty crime, 'not so petty' crime (hah), flaunting of homosexual behaviours like its a trend, teenage pregnancy, bullying in schools, over the internet and via text messaging, sexual sin and so on, but i don't think its right of us, as christians, to ignore these issues like they simply aren't there.

before i get critisised, can i just say that i do not have a problem with people of other races, homosexuals, drinkers, whatever. people are people. i refuse to be awful to people because they're different. what i won't stand for is christians being ignorant, telling people they're going to hell for these things like thats the end of it. 

my book will be something about 'real jesus for real young people'. there'll be no fancy words/"religious jargon", no judgement, no criticism of anyone. it will be about facing those issues realistically. everyone goes through something big in their teen years, but christian youths seem to struggle more than others because they can't deal with the shame of their churches that comes with it. i'll focus on how to get out, and making a positive from the negative. finding your plan in god, your spiritual gifts, and moving forward. well, if i ever get around to writing it anyway. 

if you've read this and felt condemned or offended by what i've said, or you've felt like i'm shoving my opinions down your throat, i'm really sorry. but this is just how i view the christian faith sometimes.

its not about an image. its not about being perfect. its not about being more pure than another. its about JESUS.
its time to face up to the fact that we're all people, and stop pissing around like we're all perfect.

we're not perfect, but jesus is. and through him, nothing is impossible.

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