Wednesday, October 20, 2010

yeah! woo!

seven things that are pissing me off today 

one. i look like freakin shit and all my clothes looked bad on me this morning for some outrageous reason.

two. i am not the only person that lives in this house, and thus i am not the only person that makes all the mess around the place. 

three. i am not bisexual. i wish everyone would stop being like "you so are". 

four. the fact i have to put in effort with everyone if i want any friends at all.

five. work.

six. school work.

seven. the fact that no one likes me because i'm not a tall stick figure woman. i'm curvier than a lot of chicks, deal with it, superficial jerks.

and if you're reading this blog because you're a subscriber, than its none of you. worry not. 

K BYE :)


  1. i wasnt serious about the bi sexual thing, gee

  2. pretty sure you're a subscriber and hence immune from the rant. lol

  3. yeah i know but still, and you didnt even look bad jess haha,
    i curumber hahaa :P

  4. Yeah. It's not you, just everyone else. I'm having an 'over it' day. Apologies.
